Jimmy Slots

OT3M x 7
500m Row/1000m Bike
12 Thrusters

Mod Option A:
400m Row/800m bike
9 Thrusters

Mod Option B:
250m row/500m bike
6 Thrusters

Virtual Access: https://zoom.us/j/2740893085
Click HERE to access our Vimeo

WOD Guidance:
Unbroken Thrusters
No longer than 1:45 on your row/bike in the first round!

When you were young what was your dream job?

Box Brief
Week 3 Challenges for the January Nutrition Challenge:
1. Eat a minimum of 4 different colors of fruit and vegetables each day
2. Sleep a minimum of 7 hours a night, 4 nights during the week
If you haven’t signed up yet, just add your name to the list and join the squad!
Click HERE to log your points
Click HERE for all the Challenge details

TILT Virtual Wine Night Coming Soon!! Click HERE for all the details

Kids Fitness Classes– Sundays @ 12:00pm-12:30pm in Sudbury

February Mental Toughness Seminar w/ Coach Mick- Click HERE for all details

*NEW Virtual Mobility Class- Every Wednesday at 4:30pm-4:45pm starting 1/20*